Common problems with ro water purifiers

80 percent of world’s diseases are water-borne. No doubt why it’s essential to drink safe and pure drinking water in today’s pollution afflicted world. Here, are some of the common problems with RO water purifiers:

1. RO water purifier not working at all

ro pcb

If your RO purifier gives no response when you switch it ON ie there’s no LED lights coming on and no sounds from the unit, then most likely the power supply cable is faulty or the PCB is at fault. Transformers and capacitors are most prone to faults on a PCB, and they can be simply replaced.

2. Water flow is too low

tds meter for ro

If the water flowing into the fresh water tank is very slow, it’s because either the water coming from the tap has very high TDS or one of the filters is choked. If former is the case, there’s nothing can be done to the RO to improve water flow. Generally, in rainy seasons TDS tends to increase. It might take 2-3 days for TDS to decrease back and then the water flow will improve. If TDS is normal and still the problem persists, then one of the filters has choked and will have to be replaced.

3. Water has bad taste or odor

filter replacement


If you’ve just installed a new RO water purifier or any of the filters, make sure you don’t start using the water before draining out the complete tank at least once. In some cases, the filters or membrane might have choked and needs to be replaced.

4. Water leaking


Water might start to leak from the unit if fittings are not tight enough. Make sure you tighten all the connections. Also, if you have high tap water pressure, make sure the tap isn’t set to full flow. Applying unnecessary pressure onto the filters will only degrade them faster.

5. Vibrations in RO purifier

This problem is common when there has been a recent filter change in the water purifier. These vibrations are called pressure differential vibrations. Due to the difference in pressure between the different filters, vibrations start to occur. There’s no damage induced by these vibrations and generally fade away within 3-4 days.

For any other queries regarding problems with RO water purifier, please feel free to comment in the section below.